Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grocery Shopping - Toddler Style

Race car grocery carts. Are they a godsend or a royal pain? Whenever I take my son to the grocery store we MUST shop using this cart only. If I don't see one in the parking lot cart spots I am tempted to turn around and go home. He loves this thing.

I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about as many grocery stores have a few of these on hand to entertain active toddlers so moms can shop. They are usually huge, in a bright yellow, green, or red and often have a steering wheel or two that our crazy mini drivers can wildly steer in pure joy of being in control.

Yes, I am grateful that my local store got some in, but they only got two, so usually there are a few jealous toddlers gazing in fascination from their regular shopping carts wishing they too could be in the driver seat.

But these things are huge cumbersome behemoths to steer around! I can't see the front so I always bump into something, or someone and the store was not designed with these beasts in mind. All the delicate little grannies taking up the whole aisle in the store have nowhere to go when I come charging up the aisles. And its not like they don't know we're coming. The high pitched squeals of driving joy and Brmm Brrmm sounds can be heard three aisles over.

And yet, I can shop happily while he steers like a madman full of joy and so I keep my eyes open for these carts where ever I get groceries. Or... I leave him home with daddy and shop alone :) But then what fun is that?

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