Ah the joys of pregnancy! Insomnia! Couple that with headaches and night time nausea and I'm one tired mama this morning.
We also started Ethan in his Big boy bed lastnight but fortunately he did fine and slept well. He's growing up!
Pregnancy is far from glamorous for me. I'm in my 22nd week and still waiting for the morning sickness to go away and hoping that some energy will return. The January Blues probably make it all worse cuz it's too cold to go outside and dark more than half the day.
Every January I get antsy and ling for sunnier skies or exotic lands and new adventures. I do believe there are some big adventures in store for our family in the future but first we need to figure out what to do with our present. We still aren't sure how long we will stay up north here or where we want to live when we return home to BC.
But we're only granted one day at a time thankfully and try to focus on the moments we are in, which happens to include those sleepless nights but also enjoying a growing up toddler and his very kicky baby brother to be!
- Posted by Becky using BlogPress from my iPhone
Whew! When I saw this title, I thought Ethan had not done well in his big boy bed! Glad to see I was wrong, but so sorry you're dealing with all that pregnancy insomnia. Ugh! I had morning sickness for at least 25 weeks w/both kiddos, so I feel your pain. Hang in there...its worth it in the long run! Praying you get some much needed rest soon!